Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Contoh Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMA
  1. Which of the following elements is not taken up from the soil?
    A. Potassium
    B. Magnesium
    C. Carbon
    D. Calcium
    E. Sulfur
  2. Why do farmers prefer considering the only available nutrients to the total quantities of nutrient found in the soil? Because ...
    A. they do to know how to obtain all the nutrients
    B. chemical analyses indicate that the soil constrains all the nutrients needed
    C. the nutrient are in the soil
    D.most of the nutrients are bound in compounds
    E. some of the nutrients are found in the atmosphere
  3. The topic of paragraph three is about ...
    A. the result of chemical analyses
    B. the requirements of crop plants
    C. giving satisfactory growth to the plants
    D. measuring the available nutrients supply
    E. the abundant of nutrients in the soil
  4. How many elements which are not very important can be found in the plants?
    A. Three
    B. Five
    C. Seven
    D. Nine
    E. Sixteen
"The plant obtains carbon and hydrogen dioxide ..." (paragraph 2). Obtains means...
A. gets
B. takes
C. puts
D. gives
E. has

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